Quantum Mechanics II (2025)

Quantum Mechanics II (2025 Semester 1)

LecturesMondays & Wednesdays 14:00 - 16:00

Discussion/Monitoria:  Thursdays 14:00 - 16:00


TA ("Monitor")None

Prof.:  Matthew Luzum (office 3097)

Whatsapp group

Homework lists:

Digitize the list and upload to Moodle by the due date



Sugested texts


The final grade will be based on the homework lists (10%) and the best 2 scores out of the 3 exams (45% each).

Exams 1 e 2 will each cover ~50% of the material, and the final exam will cover the entire semesterThe lowest grade of the three exams will be thrown out and the remaining two exam scores will determine 90% of the final grade.
